IMM n°2 - Août 2014

By mercredi, septembre 03, 2014

Salut à tous. Je tenais a m'excuser du manque de régularité dans mes posts mais j'étais partit en vacances mais dès que ma rentrée sera faite les publications retrouverons leur régularité. Cependant, j'ai tout de même fait quelque acquisition livresque le mois dernier. Voici donc mes acquisitions du mois d’août:

Titre: 206 Bones (VF: Autopsies - chez Pocket et Robert Laffont)
Auteur: Kathy Reichs
Edition: Arrow
Pages: 384
ISBN: 978-0099547464


Temperance Brennan revient à elle, ligotée au sol, enfermée dans un lieu exigu et glacial. Difficile de se rappeler les événements qui l'ont conduite jusqu'ici. Mais, peu à peu, les souvenirs refont surface, et Tempe va reconstituer, pièce après pièce, le puzzle de sa mémoire...Tout a commencé lorsqu'à la demande du coroner du Québec, elle a été chargée de transporter à Chicago la dépouille de Rose Jurmain, conservée jusqu'alors à l'institut médicolégal. Une fois sur place, Tempe apprend de l'avocat de la famille Jurmain qu'un coup de téléphone anonyme l'a accusée d'avoir bâclé, voire falsifié, l'enquête sur la mort de cette femme. Qui peut chercher à lui nuire ainsi ? C'est le médecin examinateur du comté de Cook qui va hériter du corps en même temps que de l'affaire Jurmain.De retour à Montréal, Tempe se voit confier d'autres enquêtes, d'autres cadavres, qui semblent toutefois la ramener à celui de Rose Jurmain. Les affaires pourraient être liées, mais son intuition et son savoir-faire sont de nouveau mis en doute. Serait-elle moins efficace, moins précise, en raison du harcèlement dont elle est victime ? Ou de ses histoires de cœur ? Il semble surtout que quelqu'un ait tout intérêt à saboter son travail...Kathy Reichs tient le lecteur en haleine dans une alternance de chapitres à l'efficacité redoutable : d'un côté, Tempe lutte pour sa survie, recluse dans l'obscurité froide d'un caveau, tandis que, de l'autre, lui revient par bribes le déroulement de l'enquête qui l'a menée là.

Titre: Entranced
Auteur: Nora Roberts
Edition: Mills & Boons
Pages: 300
ISBN: 978-0263871852


A missing child. A desperate mother. A private investigator running out of time. Mel Sutherland didn't need the help of a fraudulent psychic to find the abducted baby - and she wasn't about to let a con-artist exploit a grieving mother's vulnerability. Then all the leads dried up. Reluctantly, Mel had to accept Sebastian Donovan's aid. She was cynical about his powers and suspicious of his motives. But as the clock ticked, Sebastian unfailingly knew how to follow the abductor's tracks and Mel had to make up her mind. Was Sebastian's gift real? Or was something far more sinister at work? Passion. Power. Suspense.It's time to fall under the spell of Nora Roberts.


Titre: Charmed
Auteur: Nora Roberts
Edition: Mills & Boons
Pages: 300
ISBN: 978-0263871876


Anastasia Donovan knew that her gift marked her as different, special - perhaps even dangerous. She had spent years hiding herself from the world, terrified about the consequences of revealing what she really was. When Boone Sawyer came into her life, bent on finding out the truth about her.


Titre: The McGregor Brides
Auteur: Nora Roberts
Edition:Mills & Boons
Pages: 300
ISBN: 978-0263888263


Daniel MacGregor is the clan patriarch. He's powerful, rich - and determined to see his three career-minded granddaughters married. So he carefully chooses three unsuspecting men, men he considers worthy, and sets his plans in motion! But Laura, Gwen and Julia aren't about to let their busybody grandfather have it all his own way.

    Titre: All She wants
    Auteur: Jonathan Harvey
    Edition: Pan Books
    Pages: 420
    ISBN: 978-0330544276

    ~ SYNOPSIS ~

    'Laugh out loud' Marian Keyes 'Hugely Enjoyable' Kathy Burke There are some things in life you can always rely on. Living in the shadow of your 'perfect' brother Joey, getting the flu over Christmas, and your Mother showing you up in the supermarket. Then there are some things you really don't count on happening: a good dose of fame, getting completely trashed at an awards ceremony, and catching your fella doing something unmentionable on your wedding day. This is my story, it's dead tragic. You have been warned...Jodie Xx

    Titre: Winter's Children
    Auteur: Leah Fleming
    Edition: AVON
    Pages: 400

    ~ SYNOPSIS ~

    Grieving widow, Kay Partridge and her daughter Evie, unable to face the oncoming Christmas festivities, move into a cottage at majestic Wintergill Farm in the Yorkshire Dales. Kay wants to shut the door and forget about everything. Evie, struggling to come to terms with the concept of death, just wants her Daddy to come home for Christmas. Grieving widow, Kay Partridge and her daughter Evie, unable to face the oncoming Christmas festivities, move into a cottage at majestic Wintergill Farm in the Yorkshire Dales. Kay wants to shut the door and forget about everything. Evie, struggling to come to terms with the concept of death, just wants her Daddy to come home for Christmas. But Wintergill is far from the quiet refuge that they expected. Devastated by Foot and Mouth, Nik Snowden and his Mother Nora are facing a bleak future. The two are at loggerheads. Nora has had enough of the hard life but Nik wants to keep the house and lands that have been in his family for generations. But Nik is not the only one attached to the house. In the distant past, a terrible tragedy occurred and ever since a restless spirit has haunted the land, seeking a child that once was lost. Through the generations, the ghost has brought misery and pain to bear on the inhabitants. But where one spirit has sown despair, others have sought to protect the children of Wintergill.

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